用法:与 HTML5 的 localStorage 一致
<script> localStorage.lastname="Smith"; document.write(localStorage.lastname); if (localStorage.pagecount){ localStorage.pagecount=Number(localStorage.pagecount) +1; }else{ localStorage.pagecount=1; }; document.write(" Visits: " + localStorage.pagecount + " time(s)."); </script>
localStorage 方法存储的数据没有时间限制。第二天、第二周或下一年之后,数据依然可用。
HTML5 提供了两种在客户端存储数据的新方法:
之前,这些都是由 cookie 完成的。但是 cookie 不适合大量数据的存储,因为它们由每个对服务器的请求来传递,这使得 cookie 速度很慢而且效率也不高。
在 HTML5 中,数据不是由每个服务器请求传递的,而是只有在请求时使用数据。它使在不影响网站性能的情况下存储大量数据成为可能。
HTML5 使用 JavaScript 来存储和访问数据。
Press the SUBMIT button to store the value,
or press the RESTORE button to restore the stored value,
and press the CLEAR button to clear the localStorage data.
<script> //demo2 by sofish typeof window.localStorage == 'undefined' && ~function () { var localStorage = window.localStorage = {}, prefix = 'data-userdata', doc = document, attrSrc = doc.body, // save attributeNames to <body>'s `data-userdata` attribute mark = function (key, isRemove, temp, reg) { attrSrc.load(prefix); temp = attrSrc.getAttribute(prefix) || ''; reg = RegExp('\\b' + key + '\\b,?', 'i'); var hasKey = reg.test(temp) ? 1 : 0; temp = isRemove ? temp.replace(reg, '') : hasKey ? temp : temp === '' ? key : temp.split(',').concat(key).join(','); alert(temp); attrSrc.setAttribute(prefix, temp); attrSrc.save(prefix); }; // add IE behavior support attrSrc.addBehavior('#default#userData'); localStorage.getItem = function (key) { attrSrc.load(key); return attrSrc.getAttribute(key); }; localStorage.setItem = function (key, value) { attrSrc.setAttribute(key, value); attrSrc.save(key); mark(key); }; localStorage.removeItem = function (key) { attrSrc.removeAttribute(key); attrSrc.save(key); mark(key, 1); }; // clear all attributes on <body> tag that using for textStorage // and clearing them from the // 'data-userdata' attribute's value of <body> tag localStorage.clear = function () { attrSrc.load(prefix); var attrs = attrSrc.getAttribute(prefix).split(','), len = attrs.length; if (attrs[0] === '') return; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { attrSrc.removeAttribute(attrs[i]); attrSrc.save(attrs[i]); }; attrSrc.setAttribute(prefix, ''); attrSrc.save(prefix); }; }(); </script>
在支持 localStorage 的浏览器中直接使用 localStroage 的 API, 在不支持的 IE6 ~ IE7 中使用 USERDATA 来实现。具体参见源代码。
<script> //demo3 by Martin Angelov var Storage = function(win, doc){ var hasSupport = true, store = win.localStorage, STORE_NAME = 'localstorage', obj, support = function (){ return hasSupport }, error = function(){ throw new Error("don't support localStorage") }; if (store && store.getItem){ obj = { set : function(key, value){ return store.setItem(key, value); }, get : function(key){ return store.getItem(key); }, del : function(key){ return store.removeItem(key); } }; }else{ store = doc.documentElement; try{ store.addBehavior('#default#userdata'); store.save(STORE_NAME); }catch(e){ hasSupport = false; } if (hasSupport){ obj = { set : function(key, value){ store.setAttribute(key, value); store.save(STORE_NAME); }, get : function(key){ store.load(STORE_NAME); return store.getAttribute(key); }, del : function(key){ store.removeAttribute(key); store.save(STORE_NAME); } }; } } if (!obj){ obj = { set:error, get:error, del:error }; } obj.support = support; return obj; }(window, document); /* example */ function load(){ document.getElementById('txt').value = Storage.get('text'); } function save(){ var data = document.getElementById('txt').value; Storage.set('text', data); } function del(){ Storage.del('text'); } </script>